An online guide to the Stalked jellyfish (Stauromedusae) found
around the coastal waters of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Includes notes on their identification, and where and how to find them.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, 1753 - Sea lettuce
Sea lettuce
Ulva lactuca
- in lowershore pool 1

Sea lettuce
Ulva lactuca
- in lowershore pool 2

Sea lettuce
Ulva lactuca
- on rock 1

Scientific and European Names:
Ulva lactuca, Sea lettuce, Meersalat, Zeesla, Ulve, Laitue de mer, Lechuga de mar, Lattuga marina.

Ulva lactuca Sea Lettuce Green seaweed images