An online guide to the Stalked jellyfish (Stauromedusae) found
around the coastal waters of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Includes notes on their identification, and where and how to find them.

Site profile for Little London, Marazion, Cornwall.
Little London, OS Grid. Ref. SW 5263 3028, is then name for a series of rocks that are found east of St. Michael's Mount, just offshore. Access to the rocks themselves is only on the lowest tides of the year. Here the name Little London is applied to the flat intertidal area of reef that adjoins these rocks. The site is a short walk along the shore from Marazion, it can also be accessed via a public footpath west of Marazion Cemetery.

The reef at Little London is quite biodiverse for a small area of reef. The reef has a particularly interesting crevice fauna, with Marine bugs (Aepophilus bonnairei), Marine beetles (Aepus robinii) and siphunculans such as Nephasoma (Nephasoma) minutum and Nephasoma (Nephasoma) rimicola. The site is also quite good for nudibranchs.

Site and habitat images

Little London looking towards St. Michael's Mount 10.10.10.
Little London looking towards St. Michael's Mount 16.03.14.
Little London reef looking towards Marazion 16.03.14.
Little London Rocks 16.03.14.
Little London reef 16.03.14.
Little London reef - lowershore pool 16.03.14. -1
Little London reef - lowershore pool 16.03.14. -2

Little London, Marazion, records SW 5263 3028.

16.03.14. 21 specimens. 1 juvenile 4mm dia. Craterolophus convolvulus, 6 Calvadosia cruxmelitensis and 14 Haliclystus octoradiatus. Stauromedusae found largely in narrow band of reef at low water. Chondrus crispus was one of the most common species of algae, both in and out of water. Searching was made easier as it was apparent than a quantity of Laminarians had been removed during recent storms. Cloudy, overcast day with high pressure. 11.20am low water. 0.8m low. Ref. Cornish Coast tide times 2014. Record by David Fenwick.

Craterolophus convolvulus 1
4mm oral diameter juvenile specimen found on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52645 30273.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 1
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52655 30273.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 2
Specimen on Osmundea hybrida in pool at SW 52655 30265.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 3
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52654 30269.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 4
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52643 30266.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 5
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52654 30295.

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis 6
Specimen on Calliblepharis jubata in pool at SW 52651 30300.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 1
Juvenile specimen feeding on a small amphipod on Calliblepharis jubata in pool at SW 52663 30280.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 2
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52657 30268.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 3
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52657 30268.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 4
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52660 30265.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 5
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52660 30265.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 6
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52660 30265.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 7
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52647 30266.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 8
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52647 30266.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 9
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 56243 30266.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 10
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52643 30266.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 11
Specimen feeding on a Sea spider, possibly Nymphon gracile on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52652 30298.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 12
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52652 30298.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 13
Specimen on Chondrus crispus in pool at SW 52652 30306.

Haliclystus octoradiatus 14
Specimen on Bifurcaria bifurcata in pool at SW 52660 30337.

This part of the website is "UNDER CONSTRUCTION", details and text may be unchecked. Adding profiles and records for each site can be quite time consuming, especially during periods of recording.

Stauromedusae Site profile for Little London Marazion Cornwall uk