An online guide to the Stalked jellyfish (Stauromedusae) found
around the coastal waters of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Includes notes on their identification, and where and how to find them.

Classification and links to species accounts
Amyostaurida (Suborder) > Craterolophidae (Family) > Craterolophus (Genus)

Craterolophus convolvulus (Johnston, 1835)
- Goblet stalked jellyfish*

Amyostaurida (Suborder) > Kishinouyeidae (Family) > Calvadosia (Genus)

Calvadosia campanulata (Lamouroux, 1815)

Calvadosia cruxmelitensis Corbin, 1978
- St. John's stalked jellyfish*

Myostaurida (Suborder) > Haliclystidae (Family) > Depastrum (Genus)

Depastrum cyathiforme (M. Sars, 1846)

Myostaurida (Suborder) > Haliclystidae (Family) > Haliclystus (Genus)

Haliclystus auricula (Rathke, 1806) - Kaleidoscope jellyfish*

Haliclystus octoradiatus (Lamarck, 1816)
- Spotted kaleidoscope jellyfish*

Haliclystus salpinx James-Clark, 1863

Myostaurida (Suborder) > Lucernariidae (Family) > Lucernaria (Genus)

Lucernaria bathyphila Haeckel, 1880

Lucernaria quadricornis O. F. Müller, 1776
- Horned stalked jellyfish*

Myostaurida (Suborder) > Lucernariidae (Family) > Stylocoronella (Genus)

Stylocoronella variabilis Salvini-Plawen, 1987

There have been numerous recent changes in stauromedusae taxomomy, this follows the publication of Systematics of stalked jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) by Lucılia S. Miranda, Yayoi M. Hirano, Claudia E. Mills, Audrey Falconer, David Fenwick, Antonio C. Marques and Allen G. Collins. 2016.

Stauromedusae stalked jelyfish classification species accounts guide UK Ireland